Sunday 8 November 2009

helloooo Mission Statement!

"The Asian American Mentor Program (AAMP) is a student-run organization that serves as a resource for incoming Asian Pacific Islander (API) students and the larger community. As mentors, we encourage students to explore their identities and find their individual voices. We seek to acknowledge and affirm aspects of our identities including gender, sexual orientation, class, ability, culture, ethnicity, generation, and religion. With the intersection of these aspects in mind, we work to connect and collaborate with other 5-C organizations to foster awareness among members of our community."

-AAMP Mentors 2009-2010

Tuesday 3 November 2009

Snippits of Fall Training

This is several months late but Fall Training was exhilarating. It was amazing to learn from all of our facilitators and see the mentor program grow together. I deeply appreciate your commitment to the program during training and continuing into the academic year. GO MENTORS!

Daren Mooko took some great pictures of us at Dean Feldblum's house during AAMP's annual dinner with the dean. I've also attached a few pictures of the training sessions.

AAMP with John Delloro at the LA County Federation of Labor. Thanks John for the amazing workshop!

AAMP training in Carnegie with Sage, the AAMP dog.

A nice picture of us all in the summer heat with our snazzy new AAMP shirts.